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Manual vs Automatic SEO – Advantages, Disadvantages, and More

Manual vs Automatic SEO

Manual vs Automatic SEO

Manual vs Automatic SEO- Making a great website is one thing, but driving traffic to that site is another.

As you may now know, search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the cheapest ways to drive highly targeted traffic to a website.

Through good on-page and off-page SEO, your website can take high positions on the SERPs, thus driving a large amount of traffic to your website.

The first entry on Google gets 33 percent of search traffic, while the 10th only earns 2 percent.

Difference between Manual vs Automated SEO

Advantages of Manual SEO

Although it can be tedious and time-consuming, manual SEO has a few advantages, which you need to consider.

Disadvantages of Manual SEO

The following are some of the reasons why you should avoid manual SEO at all costs:

Advantages of Automated SEO

Automated SEO uses fully or semi-automated SEO software or platforms to implement SEO strategies with little effort on your part.

Next are about of the reasons why you should consider automating some of your SEO tasks:

Disadvantages of Automated SEO

Either you choose, it is essential to consider your options carefully. You need to be sure that you are making the right decision for your business, both in the long term and short term, and not just choosing the cheapest or most straightforward option.

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