
Clean Science and Technology (Clean Science) recently reported its March quarter figures. We’ve covered Clean Science in detail here before. In Q4FY21-22, despite facing many headlines such as geopolitical issues and rising raw material costs, clean science revenue grew 53% y-o-y (year-on-year) and 13% q-o-q (quarter-on-quarter) 205 Rs. Crore, increase in healthy volume, and …

Clean Science and Technology IPO: The initial public offering (IPO) of Clean Science and Technology will open today, July 7, 2021, for subscription at a price band of Rs. 880-900 per share. This offer will be available for subscription until Friday, July 9, 2021.

The IPO is an offer (OFS) for sale by its existing promoters and other shareholders. This does not include any recent issues. Offers of shares in OFS include Ashok Ram Narain Bob, Krishna Kumar Ram Narain Bob, Siddharth Ashok Sakchi, Parth Ashok Maheshwari, and other selling shareholders.

The Pune-based company is in the specialty chemical segment. It actively produces specialized chemicals such as performance, pharmaceutical intermediates, and FMCG chemicals. This product is used by consumers as a critical starting material for products, as resistors, or as an additive.

Technology Affects People All Over The World

Technology affects people all over the world. Although technological progress has made our countries safer and our lives easier, it has also harmfully natural our lives. Technology has brought us online banking, smart cars, smart TVs, high-speed computers, and virtual reality. Also included are cyber warfare, hackers, identity theft, cyber stalking, and many more.

People have improved with the evolution of technology. Life was cumbersome before the advent of modern technology, and everyday tasks used up much of our time. Advances in modern technology have made access to education, medicine, industry, transportation, etc., more effortless. The convenience and efficiency provided by technology have improved our lives. Information technology offers a new face to traditional archives, including digital and classic, fixed media collections. We know that standard libraries are limited in their storage space. Still, digital information requires very little room to store information, so digital libraries have the capacity for different stock forms. Using information technology in numeral libraries will increase the number of workers and raise users’ expectations.

Clean Science And Technology Share Price – Technology

Technology has also brought efficiency and quality to the manufacturing sector. Technological advances have reduced the risk. Development has a deep connection with technology, and the stage of development that man has reached was possible without technological advancement.

Agriculture, industry, profession, health, education, art, political action, recreation, religious activities, and activities of daily life are now under the influence of technology. Some advanced technological advances are essential in making our daily lives more efficient. Television is also a good tool; it is considered the cheapest source of information and entertainment nowadays. Technological advances have provided us with more efficient means to move forward, whether forward or backward. It has enabled us to increase our ease and performance in all areas of life. We cannot achieve any progress or development without technology. Through advanced technologies, we can modernize our industry to make life easier for us and future generations.

what is technology share price today

PCS Technology’s share price was Rs 18.20 as of July 6, 2022, 02:42 PM IST. PCS Technology’s share price was up by 1.68% based on a previous share price of Rs. 19.35.

Technology Is One Of The Key Words Analytical

Technology is one of the key words in our world, yet it is one of the most confusing. As an analytical category, it seems necessary for our understanding of the history of all humanity, and indeed beyond. We are probably comfortable in claiming that humans have had technologies since the Paleolithic period, and that a large number of animals, from coyotes to chimpanzees, have even been identified as tool users. ۔ ‘Technology’ as a category of actors is surprisingly recent vintage, although the history of scientific terms – technology, arts, etc. – is very long. Even so, having one is still beyond the reach of the regular person.

Historians Of Science And Technology

I have three purposes in reviewing this article. First, I will summarize Eric Sheitzberg’s major new opus technology, which confuses and clarifies the history of ‘technology’ and its perception as a category of actors. Second, I will make a critical analysis, arguing that Schatzberg, by aiding the past ways of thinking about technology in two camps, what he calls the ‘cultural’ and ‘instrumental’ approaches. He makes a mistake when he supports the former over the latter. . Third, I offer an extension of my preferred instrumental definition, which highlights an essential feature of technologies – their power to interfere with scales – thus, as I propose, to historians of science and technology. I offer a new, encouraging direction of study for.


The effects of science and technology on modern society are far-reaching and far-reaching, affecting areas such as politics, diplomacy, defense, the economy, medicine, transportation, agriculture, social capital improvement, and more. The fruits of science and technology fill every corner of our lives.